Sustaining a Loving Relationship - Part 6



Learning how to communicate effectively is critical in day-to-day life whether you're talking to fellow employees or loved ones. You need to learn to get your point across in a non-confrontational manner. Practice communication in order to have better relationships with those you love and are around on a daily basis. With patience and time, a lot of individuals may become better communicators and relish healthy relationships. 

Talk slowly and calmly. Take in a deep breath to cool off and stay in command whether you are angry, uneasy or shy. Get in touch with your affect state and if you need a moment, take one.

Communicate distinctly and concisely. Don't be obscure. State your exact feeling, like, "I am feeling sapped because I didn't get enough sleep." Don't assume the other individual knows how you're feeling. Get directly to the point.
Learn how to listen. Center on the individual who is talking. Look in her eyes. Repeat back particular things she says so that she knows you're actively hearing her and engaged in the conversation. Its key that you use "I" to articulate your feelings and not "you". Once we place blame or hold the other person responsible by utilizing the words, "you did" or "you made me feel", you have taken the focus away from you while putting up defenses for other person. Once someone becomes defensive it is very difficult to be heard and effectively communicate. Try to always talk about how you feel and how the emotions are affecting you. An example, "I feel sad about what just happened and feel like I am unable to voice myself."

Pay attention to your gestural communication. Do not look away or be distracted by other things. Body language says a great deal in communication; if you act like you do not care, you might come off as hardhearted and cold.
Utilize praise along with criticism. Provide a compliment prior to discussing a complaint. Avoid making the other individual feel he is being attacked, which may cause him to get mad and unresponsive.

Despite the numerous ways to communicate, great communicators share in common significant principles and techniques that enable them to communicate effectively. The features of great communicators cut across all languages and cultures. Becoming a great communicator has a lot of advantages and benefits in nearly all careers, the home, and in basically everything. Remember that becoming a great communicator is a womb-to-tomb journey and not a destination. 


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